Cultural activity and partnership with other cultural institutions

Long-term partnership

1. Ministry of Culture -
2. Municipality Varna -
3.Culture Directorate of Varna Municipality -
4. National Culture Fund -
5. Municipality Culture Fund -
6. Varna Tourist Information Center -
7. AKT UNIMA Bulgaria -
8. Association Umbri-A Concerto – Perugia, Italy -
9. Viafest Foundation International Theatre Festival Varna Summer, Bulgaria -
10. Association Center of iniciatives from Tolosa – Titirijai, Tolosa, Spain -
11. Cultural Association Titirimundi – Segovia, Spain -
12. Association for promotion of the visual and scenic arts from Los Realejos – AFAVER, Canary Islands, Spain
13. Taiwan Dot Go Children's Arts Festival (TDGCAF), Kaohsiung, Taiwan -
14. Cultural Association Titirilandia – Madrid, Spain - ; 
15. Association Optimaproyectos – Santander, Spain -;
16. Consortium Teatro Pubblico Pugliese - Apulia, Italy -
17.Cultural Association Tinglao - Madrid, Spain -
18. Happy Bar & Grill -
19. Varna Summer Cinema -
20. Mobile application of Varna -
21. To be a Father National campaign -
22. Bulgarian National Television -
23. RE Classical -




1. Participation in the Polish Culture Days with a specially staged performance after the Polish folklore tale Janek and Hanka.
2. Participation in the International Tourist Fair WTM in London, UK, with Folklore Fantasies, which has been chosen by the State Tourist Agency to present the Bulgarian culture.
3. Participation in the International Tourist Fair Philoxenia Thessalonica, Greece with Folklore Fantasies chosen by the State Tourist Agency to present the Bulgarian culture


1. Participation in the International Tourist Fair CMT in Stuttgart, Germany with Folklore Fantasies and The Cave and the Shadows, showed within the Days of Modern Bulgarian Culture
2. Participation in the International Exhibition Bulgarian Business in Russia, Moscow, with Folklore Fantasies
3. Participation in the Days of Varna in Genova, Italy, with Folklore Fantasies
4. Participation in the Word Image Project of Varna Municipality and the city of Moscow with the dedicated performance Mozart and Salieri (June).
5. Participation in the Francophony Week with Cinderella after Charles Perrault.
6. Participation in the Reading People's Marathon that is traditionally organized by Pencho Slaveykov Regional Library on 23 April – the International Book Day.

2008, 2009

1. Participation in the culture delegation`s attendance of Mr. Kiril Yordanov – mayor of Varna, in the European Parliament regarding the candidate city of Varna for European Capital of Culture in 2019
2. Participation in the culture programme in honor of the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France. The company tours with Folklore Fantasies at the invitation of the ambassador Mr. Ivan Petkov– permanent representative of the Republic of Bulgaria in tne Council of Europe.

2010, 2011

1. Participation in the Reading People's Marathon on 23 April – the International Book Day.
2. “Days of classical guitar” – Varna organised by the National School of Arts "Dobry Hristov" - Varna, Varna Municipality in partnership with State Puppet Theatre – Varna and Music Center "Kanev."
3. Acting performances, included in the animation programmes of Sanitary Health Complex “Kamchia”


1. Days of classical guitar – Varna organised by the National School of Arts "Dobry Hristov" - Varna, Varna Municipality in partnership with State Puppet Theatre – Varna and Music Center "Kanev."
2. Participation in the Reading People's Marathon on 23 April – the International Book Day.
3. “Fête de la Musique” organised by the Francophony Center - Varna and the Youth' Activities and Sports Directorate of Varna Municipality in partnership with State Puppet Theatre – Varna
4.„Titanic Band 100″ - project supported by Varna Municipality, „Bonmarin” – „BМ Gast”, “Graffit” Galery Hotel, „Twin Stars”, website ” Lost Bulgaria”, „BCS”, „Stalker Studio” and State Puppet Theatre - Varna.
5. Varna Puppet Theatre - partner of the festival “SENSE SESSIONS”, organised by “Old Kids” and the financial support by Varna Municipality Culture and Spiritual Development Directorate, the 2012 Varna - Territory of Creation Program.
6. Varna State Puppet Theatre – partner of Mini festival “Rainbow” , organised by the Youth Group “Amorpha” as well as stores “Na tamno”, and the financial support by Varna Municipality Culture and Spiritual Development Directorate, the 2012 Varna - Territory of Creation Program.
7.Acting performances, included in the animation programmes of Sanitary Health Complex “Kamchia”
8. “Directions Paris” - a performance realized by the cooperation of Varna Municipality with the financing program “Varna - an art territory”, TMPC Varna, Varna State Puppet Theatre, Winery house Kotsev, Home restaurant, Dine&Wine, Provo magazine.
9.State Puppet Theatre Varna is a partner of numerous schools in the city, which joined the Success’ Project– “Let’s make the school attractive to young people” under the Human Resource Development Operational Program, financed by the European Social Fund for the financial framework for 2007-2013, also the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science.

2013, 2014

1. Charity Exhibition "Pillow Art" and children's drawings from Home "Nadezhda", organized by the Foundation"Children of the Balkans" in partnership with State Puppet Theatre – Varna
2. Charity Bazaar& Exhibition from the“Aesthetics and fashion for children ", organized by “Moira” Model Agency in partnership with State Puppet Theatre – Varna
3. “Days of classical guitar” – Varna organised by the National School of Arts "Dobry Hristov" - Varna, Varna Municipality in partnership with State Puppet Theatre – Varna and Music Center "Kanev"
4. Acting performances, included in the animation programmes of Sanitary Health Complex “Kamchia”
5. State Puppet Theatre Varna is a partner of numerous schools in the city, which joined the Success’ Project– “Let’s make the school attractive to young people” under the Human Resource Development Operational Program, financed by the European Social Fund for the financial framework for 2007-2013, also the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science.
6. Participation in the initiative The Night of the Theatres – 15 November 2014, with the performance Silent Legends.
7. Participation in the Holiday Bazaar "Zadruga Koleda" 19-21 December 2014, with theater and puppet workshop

2015, 2016

1. “Days of classical guitar” – Varna organised by the National School of Arts "Dobry Hristov" - Varna, Varna Municipality in partnership with State Puppet Theatre – Varna and Music Center "Kanev."
2. Host-stage of the ballet production "Carnival of the Animals" performed by children from the Ballet Studio, Municipal Children Complex - Varna, leader Bistra Bachvarova
3.Participation in training " Sustainable and culture green events - importance for Varna", organized by  Sidea - Cultural Development Foundation
4. Annual 1st June and Christmas charity performances at children's hospitals, Varna
5. Performances on the newly opened summer stage Varna Fair next to the Museum of Natural History, Sea Garden Varna
6. Host - stage of the theatre production "The Crucible" of CYT "
The Golden Key"- Municipal Children Complex - Varna, leader S. Papazova
7. Participation in the initiative The Night of the Theatres – 21 November 2015, with the performance Silent Legends
8.Participation in the Reading People's Marathon organized by Pencho Slaveykov Regional Library
9.Participation of the Puppet Museum in the European Night of the Museums – 20–21 May 2016
10.Host - stage of the theatre production The Little Lizard of Varna Theatre Society Foundation and Chance Theatre Studio
11.Participation in the charity initiative by Lumos Foundation On the occasion of 1 June, Children's Day with the presentation of the show The Fabulous Princess and entertaining games for the kids from Children's Residential Centers in Varna, Provadiya and Dolni Chiflik
12.Participation in the 7th Charity Campaign To Children with Love, in memory of the fathers- heroes with the performance The Fabulous Princess
13.The Families Moskov – presentation of the performance Legally Liar in the House of Culture – Gabrovo, an event organized by Gabrovo Municipality
14.Performances in Varna Summer Cinema
15. The old man and the dog - co-production between the Association For Artistic and Creativity and Educational Development (AACED ), Kaohsiung, Taiwan and Varna State Puppet Theatre
16.Participation of Varna State Puppet Theatre and the Puppet Museum in the Mobile Application of Varna city – I love Varna
17.Participation in the Week of the father 2016-To be a Father National campaign with the performance Winnie the Pooh
State Puppet Theatre Varna is a partner of numerous schools in the city, which joined the Your Class’ Project–"Development of students' abilities and increase their motivation to learn through activities that develop specific knowledge, skills and competencies" under the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014-2020


2017, 2018

1. Movie projection “Angel Voice” (23 May 2017)-dedicated to the first Bulgarian composer Ioan Kukuzel, organizer Andari
2. 1st June charity show at children's hospital St. Anna, Varna
3. Participation in the Charity Campaign To Children with Love, in memory of the fathers- heroes with a children show
4. Participation of the Puppet Museum in the European Night of the Museums – 19 - 20 May 2017
5. Varna State Puppet Theatre joined the Campaign Window to the Motherland – national charity campaign supporting the Bulgarian schools abroad, initiated by BNT
6. Varna State Puppet Theatre joined the Father`s Day at June 18th with the performance Greyclothy and Quickrunny
Host - stage of the theatre production " The Mysterious Hippo" by Puppet Theater “Palechko” at Municipal Children Complex – Varna
8. Co-production Little Prince between Varna State Puppet Theatre, Culture Association Umbri-A Concerto and Aldo Moro Reception Center for young people with special needs, Gubbio, Italy
9. Participation of the Puppet Museum in Night of the Literature – 9 May 2018
10. Participation of the Puppet Museum in the European Night of the Museums – 18-19 May 2018
11. Participation with the performance The Snow Queen by Piter Pan Children Theatre Academy at the 2nd Varna lit International Literature Festival
12. Performances for adults at Theater Roman Thermae - Varna, 2017, 2018
13.Co-production "A Shower of Stars" between Varna State Puppet Theatre and MingRi Institute for Art Education - Hong Kong
14. Host - stage of the dance productions "City stories", "Shamebox" and "Architecture of the Appearance" of the Moving Body Festival
15.Host - stage of the performance "Who collect the stars in the morning?" of Art Land Theatre
16. Host - stage of the performance " We the clowns" and "We the mushmorotsi" by Theatre Studio “The Magic Curtain” at Municipal Children Complex – Varna
17. Host - stage of the performance "Shirley Valentine"by Theatre Coast at Medical center "D-r Emilova"
18. Participation in the initiative The Night of the Theatres – 17 November 2018, with the performance "Winnie the Pooh"and initiatives "Hug a favorite character", "Fairy selfie"
19. Host - stage of the performances by Piter Pan Children Theatre Academy: "Everybody is talking about Christmas",  "The big hopes of the small screen", "Christmas Magic", "Did you open the letter?", "Christmas tree".
20. State Puppet Theatre Varna is a partner of numerous schools in the city, which joined the Your Class’ Project–"Development of students' abilities and increase their motivation to learn through activities that develop specific knowledge, skills and competencies" under the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014-2020


2019, 2020

1. 100 performance of  ” Legally Liar” directed by Tedy Moskov  at Hall 1 Festival and Congress Center Varna/ 14.02.2019/
2. Host - stage of the performance "The woman is a strange animal ", guest performance by Yana Ognyanova, autor and directing by Zdrava Kamenova
3. Puppet Workshop “Let`s make puppet-flower and puppet-egg” on occasion of  Palm Sunday and Easter
4. Night of the LiteratureVarna 2019 at the Puppet Museum - 15  May 2019
5. Participation of the Puppet Museum in the European Night of the Museums - 17 -18 May 2019
6. 1st June charity show The Three Fairies at Children's Hospital St. Anna, Varna
7. Host - stage of the performances by Piter Pan Children Theatre Academy: “On the Road”, “Letter`s Dance”, “The Tinder”, “Telephone Tales”, “The Flowers Ball”, “Tales under the Mushroom”, “ The Wizard of Oz”
8. Participation of the performance “Letter`s Dance” by Piter Pan Children Theatre Academy, group directed by Gergana Gospodinova ,  in the 3rd edition of the VarnaLit International Literature Festival
9. The Miracle, called Fantasy/ With the favourite actors create a favourite character/
10. Host - stage of the performance  “Piano bar under the stars” by Nelko Kolarov and Michaela Evtimova  on the stage of Small Summer Theatre
11. Host - stage of the performance  “On the Road” after the Stanislav Stratiev`s play “The Bus” by Piter Pan Children Theatre Academy on the stage of Small Summer Theatre
12. Host - stage of the performance “ It is summer again” - 20 years Studio Palace on the stage of Small Summer Theatre
13. Host - stage of the performance “ It is summer again” Bohemian Night by Itsko Fintsy and Petruchio on the stage of Small Summer Theatre
14. Celebrating the Day of Varna – August 15th with the performance “A Journey with balloons”- Sea adventures and funny games
15.Participation in the initiative The Night of the Theatres – 16 November 2019, with the performances “Thumbelina” and “The Fox”, free entrance at the Puppetry Museum
16. Host - stage of the performances by Piter Pan Children Theatre Academy: "Secret service of Santa Claus ", "How the alder become a Christmas tree”, "Christmas Song", "Button for sleep", "Christmas Magic", "One Unusual Day"
17. Host - stage of the performance "Special Occasions" by Youth Theater "N. Binev", Sofia, Bulgaria
18. Host - stage of the performance "The Men of Edith Piaf " by New Theatre - NDK, Sofia, Bulgaria
19. Participation in Night of the Literature – 22 May 2020
20. Host - stage of the performances by Piter Pan Children Theatre Academy: “Gallop to the Hill”, “Two Stations”, “Fateful Jurors”, “When the World Wore Its Glasses”
21. Host - stage of the “Open lesson with children – Viola” - part of the programme of  Varna Summer International Music Festival 2020
22. Presentation of the performances “Under the Mushroom”, “The Magic Cooks”, “The Three Fairies” and “Greedy Goody Bear” at the Saints Constantine and Helena Resort
23. Participation with the show "Thumbelina" in the city celebrations on the occasion of Pravetz Day - October 15th
State Puppet Theatre Varna is a partner of numerous schools in the city, which joined the Your Class’ Project–"Development of students' abilities and increase their motivation to learn through activities that develop specific knowledge, skills and competencies" under the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014-2020


2021, 2022

1.Night of the LiteratureVarna 2021 at the Summer Stage – Puppet Theatre – 12 May 2021
2. Host - stage of the VarnaLit International Literature Festival 2021– 1- 4 June 2021
3. Host - stage of the performances by Piter Pan Children Theatre Academy: "Cocktail After the Premiere", "The Happy Prince", " Sleeping Beauty ", "We", " The Ship ", " Cinderella ", " Terrible Dreams ", "Understatement", "Sylvester's treasure" .
4. State Puppet Theatre Varna is a partner of numerous schools in the city, which joined the National Program "Providing a modern educational environment", module "Cultural institutions as an educational environment" 2021, 2022
5.Presentation of the performances “Under the Mushroom”, “Cinderella”, “The Three Fairies” and “Greedy Goody Bear” at the Saints Constantine and Helena Resort
6. Host - stage of the dance performance " Before the end...(of the world)" of the Moving Body Festival 2021
7. Participation in the project “Muzeiko visits Varna Airport” with the performances “The Three Fairies”, " Cinderella ",“Greedy Goody Bear”, "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Magic Cooks"
8.Host - stage of the performances by Piter Pan Children Theatre Academy: "Don't Lose Heart", "The Celebration of the Disobedients", "The Wolf and the Seven Goats", "Hidden Desires", "Half Dream not on a Midsummer Night", "Children's World".
9. Participation in Day of Varna – August 15th, 2022 with the street show “The Magic of the Sea”
10. Together with the "Directorate of Tourism" of Varna Municipality on the occation of the celebration of World Tourism Day - September 27, 2022, we have presented the show "Glarus Retro Cabaret”
11.Participation in the initiative The Night of the Theatres – 19 November 2022, with the performance „Through the Looking glass"
12. Host - stage of the performance „Winemakers of the Black Sea“ на  Theatre de Lèchelle  - Switzerland on October 20 and 21,  2022

2023, 2024

1.Host - stage of the dance performances: User – Sava Ognyanov -Ruse; Rootless Tree - Iliyan Markov’s one-man show; „The Hit of the Season“ – Zdrava Kamenova’s one-man show
2. Host - stage of the performances by Piter Pan Children Theatre Academy:  "A Mess of Tales", " The Iron Boy ", Ida ", " The Bereaved Family ", " Stroke Portraits ", " A Fabulous Horo", " Tales from the Thousand and One Nights ", " Reflection", “The Little Boat”, “The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats”, "Out of the Clouds", “Mission Love”, "Mirror Image" ,"Fairytale Map", "The Tinder Box", "Shooting Star", "Open Lesson", "Smiles from Children's Tapes", "No Name", "Hotel Between This World and the Other World"", “A Small Night Tale”, “Fictions Thoughts”. (2023 and 2024)
3. Common activity with Varna Municipality for the development of cultural tourism by presenting the most attractive repertoire titles of the theater in  "St.St. Constantine and Elena" and "Golden Sands" (2023 and 2024) as part of the Cultural Poster of Varna Municipality during the tourist season
4.Host  stage  of the performance "Hug Me" by SPT- Burgas and the performances "The Brave Lead Soldier", The Princess and the Pea" and "Mermaid" by the Vesel Theater - V.Tarnovo
5. Host stage of the performances included in the program of the ITF "Varna Summer" 2023 - "Breathe" by Theater Workshop "Sfumato" and "To ride a cloud" by Rabi Mroue (Lebanon/ Germany)
6. Participation in the city celebrations of Veliko Tarnovo Municipality on the occasion of Children's Day and Lighting of the Christmas Tree. (2023)
7. Participation in Kostinbrod's City Day celebrations (2023)
8. Participation in the Night of Theaters with the performance "Mower Men" by Elin Pelin (2023)
9. Varna State Puppet Theater is a partner of a number of Varna schools that have participated in NP "Bulgaria - educational routes", NP "Together in the arts and in sports" and NP "Ensuring a modern educational environment", module "Cultural institutions as educational environment" (2023, 2024)
10. Host stage of the performances included in the program of the ITF "Varna Summer"  2024  – „Living the dream with grandma” by Trafo House of Contemporary Arts – Hungary| László Göndör & Éva Katona; „I am my own life“  by Spam Studios, Bulgaria and Showcase Meeting – parallel program
11. Host stage of the performances „The Turtle Nurka“ by Burgas State Puppet Theatre (2024)



1. Host - stage of the performances by Piter Pan Children Theatre Academy:  : “I Love December“. (2025)