Art Studio
The new ideal association of creators gave already its first results. These are the educational performance "Znayko, the Know-all", the original performance "Yanek and Hanka", made in the occasion of the Days of Polish Culture in Varna, the funny Christmas show "The Merry Dwarfs" and the performance "Mozart and Salieri" that has been entirely funded by the Permanent Committee of Culture, Ecclesiastical Matters and Media to the Municipal Council of Varna and dedicated to the 170th anniversary of A.S.Pushkin tragic death.

All implemented projects were very successfully accepted by the audience and are already a part of the repertory. This new form of work is provoked by the experimental nature of the visual performance "The Cave and the Shadows" (awarded the 2007 Varna Prize) that combined the painting art and the theatre of shadows and enriched the theatre language by new expression media.

The performance "Puss in Boots" produced in 2009 is a result from the collaboration of a young creative stage production team. The performance was dedicated to Charles Perrault's 400th anniversary and was produced within a project supported by Varna Municipality.
In the same year was staged the performance of a group of young actors - "The Happy Prince" - a real theatre meeting with the work of the great writer Oscar Wilde. The project was implemented with the financial assistance of Varna Municipality and dedicated to Oscar Wilde's 150th anniversary.
Both performances were implemented by using modern means and technologies and enjoy an exceptional success in front of the young spectators.

The Art Studio leading principle is the experiment and the provocation of all creative people's capacities. The ambition of the Art Studio head, Vera Stoykova, is not to miss any opportunity for creating a good theatre product that could contribute to the theatre's development.