Galin Ginev

Born on 19 August 1974 in Varna.
Graduate from Kr. Sarafov NATFA in Prof. Bonyo Lungov's class in 1997. Actor in the team of Albena Theatre. Actor at SPT, Varna since 1999.
Casting in: Aladdin - the Spirit, The Sad Prince, The Fisherman and the Fish, Hercules, Cinderella, The Third Ear, Alice, Storm, Thumbelina, The Yellow Duckling, The Little Prince, Folklore Fantasies, Spring Frolics, Yanek and Hanka, The Golden Fish, The Cave and the Shadows, Little Ida's Flowers, The Merry Dwarfs, Visit to Grandma Marta, Some Peculiarities of the….Puppet Theatre, The Beauty is Sleeping, Beauty and the Beast, Puss in Boots, Grandpa and the Turnip, The Island of Songs, Allegro Vivace, Outlook of a Stump, Bollywood,Christmas Magic, Nine and a Bit , The Magic Tinder, With a Light Step and Other Tries, Legally Liar, Christmas Carnival, Who doesn't eat vegetables, The Purple Island, Fabulous Christmas, Forest Garden, The Magic Cooks, The Dog That Could Not Bark,Who Will Sing Me, Who Will Make Me Laugh?, Winnie the Pooh, Christmas Frolics, Mozart in Love, Christmas Slide, Western, Bunny at Sea, Christmas Wishes, Three Dioptres Happiness, The Fox, Christmas Gift, Grandma Marta has come, A tale for you! The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats, If Freud was an Indian,Sweet Mimi and Wonderful Vitamins, Christmas Adventures in the Fairy Forest, I am Bulgarian, The Three Little Pigs, Mower Men, Glarus Retro Cabaret, Princess and Prince Pumpkin in the Kingdom of the Autumn, A Tale of the Seven Goats, Through the Looking Glass, Christmas in the Winter Palace, Pippi Longstocking, Fairy Tale Christmas, Peter Pan, Christmas Aurora etc.
Director of the performances: Puss ib Boots, Tales from the Snowy Forest, Christmas Entertainment, Christmas Stars, This apple is strange and the woods it will change, Carnival in the Forest, The Apple, The Prideful Goose .
Participation in the Children's theater classroom (2020).
Guest starring in: The 12 Chairs - Ostap Bender (Dobrich Drama Theatre); The Millionnaire - Dr. Hristo Kondov (Stoyan Bachvarov Drama Theatre), Bastard (Hubert) (St.Bachvarov DT).
Participation in a children's show of Ariel TV - Tales with What; a TV game on M-SAT, Elementary, My Dear Watson; TV and radio commercials records; as well as in TV series, Glass Home. Casting in the movie One More Dream directed by Nikolay Mutafchiev.
- Individual Varna Prize for young talent;
- Collective Varna Prize for the performance Bastard;
- Varna Prize 2002 for the performance Folklore Fantasies;
- Special prize to the performance Hercules at the 12th International Puppet Festival The Golden Dolphin – Varna, Bulgaria /2002/;
- Audience’s prize for Folklore Fantasies at the Puppet Festival, Tolosa, Spain/2003/;
- Best performance prize for Folklore Fantasies at the 5th Asian International Puppet Festival, Taipei, Taiwan /2004/;
- Best Performance Prize for Thumbelina at the 6th Asian International Puppet Festival in Taipei, Taiwan /2005/;
- The big prize for the performance Thumbelina at the International Puppet Theatre Festival in Shanghai, China/2005/;
- Award for Thumbelina by the international jury for best vision of a children’s performance at the 15th International Puppet Theatre Festival Three Are Too Many, Two – Not Enough, Plovdiv /2006/;
- Award for the acting ensemble for the performance Folklore Fantasies at the 8th International Festival of Performances for Children The Magic Curtain, Targovishte/2007/;
- Award for Experimental and New Forms for The Cave and the Shadows at the 5th International Puppet Theatre Festival for Adults Pierrot, Stara Zagora/2007/;
- Varna 2007 Award – collective,for the artistic team having realized the performance The Cave and the Shadows;
- Prize for development of the theatre's means of expression - for The Cave and the Shadows at the 14th International Puppet Festival The Golden Dolphin /2008/;
- The big prize The Golden Dolphin for an overall performance(section performances for adults) Outlook of a Stump and Prize for artistry (section performances for adults) - to the artistic team having realized the performance Outlook of a Stump at the 15th International Puppet Festival The Golden Dolphin, Varna/2011/;
- Varna Prize 2012 for the performance Outlook of a Stump;
- IKAR Award 2014 for Best Performance for Legally Liar;
- Varna Prize 2017 to the team of the performance Winnie the Pooh after A. Milne, directed by Biserka Kolevska
- Award for team work in the creation of the characters by the meanings of improvisation and for the stimulation of the imagination of the young spectators for The Magic Cooks at the 19th The Magic Curtain International Festival of Performances for Children, Targovishte, Bulgaria
- Award for achievement in humor and satire in the Bulgarian theater "Golden Kukerikon-2021" for the performance "If Freud was an Indian"
- Varna Prize 2022 for professionalism and creative imagination in creating of the show for adults "Glarus Retro Cabaret", dedicated to "Varna - 100 years resort "
- Grand Prix (performances for children) for the performance Through the Looking Glass – Musical adapted from the novel by Lewis Carroll by Varna State Puppet Theatre, Bulgaria at 18th International Puppet Festival The Golden Dolphin, Varna, Bulgaria, 2022
- Award for the Best Puppet Theatre 2023 bestowed by The Ministry of Culture
- IKAR Audience Award 2023 for the musical Through the Looking Glass
- Varna Prize 2024 - collective, for the highly artistic successful realization and fascinating acting in the musical "Peter Pan"